共找到 380 条结果
Gone were the happy faces. Gone were the beautiful vistas.
萨克斯,钢琴,竖琴,鲁特琴,电吉他清音,小提琴,低音鼓,小军鼓 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异(第九音轨为试听专用鼓) 本来其实还有其他乐器的,不过乐器位不够,旋律尽量保齐了。鼓可能后续还会微调
演唱 Hello, Happy World!
えがお・シング・あ・ソング 译名 笑容 Sing a Song 作词 織田あすか(Elements Garden) 作曲 藤間仁(Elements Garden) 编曲 藤間仁(Elements Garden) 演唱 Hello, Happy
财神来敲我家门 娃娃来点灯 新夜红包加鞭炮声 多财又多福 恭喜啦 中国娃娃 发财啦 中国娃娃 开市啦 祝大家新年恭喜恭喜发财 中国娃娃 祝大家快快乐乐见财有福 福气啦(台语) 祝大家新年 恭喜恭喜发财 中国娃娃祝大家 happy
id=4278527,专辑名《Happy Live Surprise》,完美演唱完美收音,无损音质,《The best of sum41》的歌全唱了一遍,可谓是给SUM41粉的青春画上了完美的句号,将来有时间我会尝试模仿现场版再出一版这首歌的
Happy_120464 (1) PsmPlayer V5.0
Happy Marie and the prince sat down on the meadow, which was suddenly covered with beautiful flowers.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS! gilbertobarreto@yahoo.com
Happy_574385 请求! Original Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65ZRPTcxkWk Piano Cover made by Yuxia/Exia!
Skelly. (9 Mar 1881) for General MIDI playback To All the Little Boys Who Are the Helpful, Happy Darlings of Their Homes.
基于 @Happy_32051 的版本魔改而来,添加了副歌部分的Midi。
后被Hello, Happy World!所翻唱,歌曲封面neta原MV。
Written for & sung by Happy Cal. Wagner. Song & Chorus.
END SONG as sung by Happy Cal. Wagner Song and Chorus.
Happy Breakup X#A 3 F Everyone Piano Page I/Total 5 EveryonePiano EveryonePiano.com www.EveryonePiano.com Everyone Piano
crying Sing along maybe once Maybe twice let's try it together Some sweet day no one knows You'll return and you'll be happy
Made with SSW Assistant | Program written by: Happy_mimimix