共找到 60 条结果
midi based on clean bandit, the song is called Symphony
crap midi made after one of my songs
the time is 23:14
On the Desc, Here's on the Modarchive link: https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=174647 An...
this song is made by ENV, but i made this midi track.
Another electronic mix
From the 1982 sci-fi movie.
has something to do with romania i guess maybe idk
Electronic music
声明: 本MIDI原始文件非本人作品!只是为了能在“大合奏”播放才使用软件进行二次创作编排! 如果侵犯到您的利益,请及时联系我删除! 诗人测试乐器:钢琴
Very good Electronic music
This is a must for electronic/guitar lovers
"生生世世爱" is a MIDI music piece in Electronic Music style, played by an ensemble of 12 instruments including Acoustic Grand
本曲为“章鱼07”改编《Astronomia》 本曲为国风吟唱: 拥有琵琶,古筝,中阮,主导唢呐,和声吟唱。 欢迎各位网友评论,下载。 本曲不同的播放器,有不同的音色差异 本曲演奏RS460