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改编自https://musescore.com/user/288206/scores/5551216 大超不演杰洛特了(讲个笑话,网飞猎魔人的主角不是猎魔人,就好像你去看闪电侠但是看的不是闪电侠而是蝙蝠侠一样,咳咳,诶?) 已...
Music by John Rogert Thomas (1885) for General MIDI playback Striped like a gay barber's pole.
GAIS Bamd Liden Hollante
Gai Nha Ngheo
Gui Nguoi Em Gai
若觉得好,你要帮做midi音乐请与我联系!绝对便宜……发邮箱 wangdaheng88@sina.com
然而这首歌曲真正广为流传开来,则是在英国作曲家约翰·盖伊(John Gay)将它编入为了对抗意大利歌剧所创作的 《乞丐歌剧》(The Beggar's Opera,1728)中。
Sept 2001 \I don't know ex act ly how it start ed, /but it start ed in fun; /I just want ed some one to be gay
Gai Xuan
- a- ling and you'll sing Vee ta bel la \Hearts will play tip- py tip- py tay, tip py tip py tay /like a gay
When Jo an na loved me, /Ev' ry sound was mu sic, /Mu sic made of laugh ter, /Laugh ter that was bright and gay
Mot Thoi Con Gai
on, our troub les will be out of sight \Have your self a mer ry litt le Christ mas /Make the Yule tide gay
GAI ZHOU DE SHI HO By LIU DE HUA Generated by NoteWorthy 1.0 Unnamed-000 Unnamed-001
M Timetogo