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Kar - Bunty Pritchard Jones \Let there be peace on earth /and let it be gin with me.
\Go west to be gin life new. /Go west, this is what we'll do.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TRhinestone Cowboy @TGlen Campbell \I've been walk in' these streets so long, /Sin gin' the
He len /Now you live on your own /Hey hey He len /Can you make it a lone \So you're free at last /And be gin
The re gu lar crowd shuf fles in \There's an old man sit ting next to me /Ma king love to his to nic and gin
\The min ute you let her un der your skin, /then you be gin to make it better.
\Naje nun ta- saro- un /ing- gan jo gin yo ja /Kopi han jani yo yurul /anun pum- gyok itnun yoja /Bami om~ yon
than the mount ains /Grow ing like a breeze \Count ry Roads, take me home /To the place I be long /West Vir gin
\So I be gin %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %- %-
cket, o ne wa y ti cket, /O ne wa y ti cket, o ne wa y ti cket /To the blu es /Cho o cho o tra in a chug gin
bad, I was sad and blue \But you made me feel /Yeah, you made me feel /Shi ny and new \Like a vir gin
\I can't un der stand /I get mis ty just hold ing your hand \Walk my way /and a thou sand vi o lins be gin
Memory Andrew Lloyd Webber
WINGS \ON THE WINGS /OF LOVE /MARTIN NIEVERA \J.Osborne/P.Schless /Just smile for me /and let the day be gin
Malaya KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 \Pa sen sya na kung pa pa tu lu gin na mu na /Ang pu song na pa god ka ka hin
to run a way yi ay /And get down on my knees and pray yay yay /That they'd go a way /Still they'd be gin
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhere Do I Begin ( Love Story theme ) @TShirley Bassey \Where do I be gin /To tell the
rists co vered with oil \Strum ming my six- string /On my front porch swing /Smell that shrimp, they're be gin
Ie-mail: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @TSTUMBLIN' IN @TSuzi Quatro & Chris Norman (1979) \Our love is a live /And so we be gin