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My little brother give me cartridge of the Sonic the Hedgehog.Im play ACT 1... Music Green Hill its cool
这是索尼克1潜能关卡-SUNSET HILL ACT3中音乐
Sonic_Mania 索尼克狂欢 Uploaded by: (Monster Iestyn) Game System: Nintendo Switch Game Name: Sonic Mania Song Title:
Sonic Advance - Special Stage Steve1
Studiopolis Zone Act 1 - Lights, Camera, Action!
Open Your Heart is a song made by the band Crush 40 for the game Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast in 1998 in Japan and in
Dr robotniks theme from sonic 1 (Master system)
One of the two-player zone soundtrack
Panic Puppet Zone Act 1/Level Select/Opening Story (Sonic 3D Blast- Genesis) Panic Puppet Zone Act 1/Level Select/Opening
从电脑版的索尼克和纳克鲁斯合集中提取 这个就是索尼克3测试版式所用的音乐,然后因为版权问题,这个版本的音乐被用到了电脑版上
这是索尼克狂欢版的Green Hill Zone Act1的音乐