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\When a man loves a wo man, /he'll spend his ve ry last dime /trying to hold on to what he needs.
/I spend the day your way. \Call it morn ing driv ing thru the sound /in and out the val ley.
Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @T$IWANTTOSPENDMYLIFETIMELOVINGYOU \"Quiero vivir la vida amándote" /(I want to spend
life goes on / And this old world will / keep on turn ing / Let's just be glad / We had some time / To spend
Would n't it be nice /If we could wake up /In the morn ing /When the day is new \And to have the day /To spend
they ask who's in the pic ture with me /I say just some one I used to know /Just so me one I used to spend
ev er you want to do /Is all right with m e /'Cause you make me feel s o br and n e w /And I want to spend