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/Har mo ny and un der stan ding, /sym pa thy and trust a bo un ding.
life /Sure ly I would /Hear the dis tant laugh ter /Was n't it you and me /Sur vi ving the night /You're fa ding
/No wed ding Sat ur day with in /the month of June.
ooh oooh, is e nough e nough \I saw the sign and it o pened up my eyes /I saw the sign /Life is de man ding
\They said, I bet, they'll ne ver /make it but just look at us hol ding on. /We're still to ge
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @THOLDING BACK THE YEARS @TSimply Red \Hol ding
you when it's too late /Hits you when you're down \It's a fool's game /No thing but a fool's game /Stan ding
/'Cause I keep kid ding a round /like a child, but par don me! \Peo ple say I'm not o kay!
\Jus t a smile and the rain is gone /Can har dly be lieve it (yeah) /There's an an gel stan ding next to
/You're my gui ding light ning strike \I can't find the words to say, /But they're o ver due, /I've travel led
dec 31 2012 /gangmiles@yahoo.com /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /I see you ba by /eve ry single day /Hol ding on to my
/Out of hand /Some thing's gone wrong /With the life that we planned \Won't you look at me /You're a voi ding
I've got a lot of friends /But I don't hear from them /What's an o ther night all a lone /When you're spen ding
\And in my hour of dark ness /she is stan ding right in front of me /spea king words of wis dom, let it
\Hey you, /Stan ding in the aisle, \With itchy feet and fad ing smile, /Can you feel me?
\Har mo ny and un der stan ding /Sym po thy and trust a boun d i ng /No more false hoods or de ri sions, \Gold en
And help me un der stand \'Cause I've been in love be fore /And I found that love is more /Than just hol ding