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Based off of the intro song from GTA IV
当你发现过去出卖小队的叛徒是个粉红基佬~~(这算不算剧透) 小学玩的时候到抢银行那里, 人生中的第一张显卡烧了, 还记得型号是9800GT 游戏内合奏乐器八度设置参考 1.吉他清音 2.低音提琴 ↑提升2个八度 3.小提琴...
推荐使用竖琴、鲁特琴、圆号、大号等音色浑厚乐器演奏。 同志!波波沙!(气突苏)
Soviet March
Soviet Marching song
battle theme from Soviet Union movie "Treasure island"
最近听了好几个Soviet Republic的好ost,里面有些旋律就摘自 青色的头巾 然后我就扒出来了(
one of only four Grand Theft Auto themes to be officially released to date (the others being the "Theme from Vice City", "Soviet
Soviet March ARIA Player (Multi) 1 ARIA Player (Multi) 1 ARIA Player (Multi) 1 ARIA Player (Multi) 1 ARIA Player (Multi