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'I'll' I?/\\, *H?: Seashells 11= HE : **1?? n7f"ssilXl?APP" t:J-t:J, DJT-g!Ji9j u C(suS2) 1l.1l..gffi
:) bet there are more but - this'll sufice "Vampire Killer" - Theme of Observation Tower - Castlevania Circle of the
Screen Name: J Rockot Request a song and I'll try it I'd Appreciate Comments on my first song (This one).
but still a world a way \What I'm dy ing to say, is that /I'm cra zy for you /Touch me once and you'll
We'll get to get ther then. You know we'll have a good time then. Well my son turned
Hearts gone a stray /Lea ving hurt when they go \I went a way /Just when you need me so \You won't re gret /I'll
\Fe el ings, for all my life I'll feel it.
/I would n't do that \I'll do you your right /when you're wrong /I I I I, oh oo oo oo oo /If on ly /you
\And if you real ly try, /you'll find there's no need to cry.
LENGL @TMy Way @TFrank Sinatra \And now the end is near /and so I face the fin al cur tain /my friend, I'll
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TI WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU @TWhitney Houston \If I should stay /I would on ly be in your way \So I'll
free to feel good /Eve ry bo dy's free to feel good /Eve ry bo dy's free \Bro ther and sis ter /To ge ther we'll
\They said, I bet, they'll ne ver /make it but just look at us hol ding on. /We're still to ge
\I need a lov er to give me /the kind of love that 'll last al ways.
sure ly die \Darl ing there will nev er be a noth er /'Cause I love you so /don't ev er leave me /Say you'll
MANEATEZ @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator @LENGL \She'll on ly come out at night
and the pain /Wash the blood off your hands /This time she won't un der stand \Change in the air /And they'll
@TYOU'RE A WOMAN @TBad Boys Blue \To night, /There'll be no dark ness to night \Oh tight /Let your love light