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Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TThe River @TBruce Springsteen \I come from down in the val ley
entered with WinKaraoke Creator @IPar Serge Lamer @Islamer@sympatico.ca @LENGL @TBack to you @TBrian Adams /I've been down
\And the sun slips down bed ding hea vy be hind, /the front of your dress all sha dowy lined.
cnct.com) \Her name was Lo la, she was a show girl /With yel low fea thers in her hair /And a dress cut down
IGenerated with Karakan version 6.0beta4 @LENGL @TSelena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song @TFrom the album "When the Sun Goes Down
It does n't show signs of stop ping / and I brought some corn for pop ping / The lights are turned way down
@TSequenced by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \We are down, we're cra zy fools /Eve ry day at school.
lifor ni a dream ing /On such a win ter's day \Stopped in to a church /I passed a long the way \Well, I got down
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TGIMMIE' THREE STEPS @TLynard Skynard \I was cutt in' the rug /Down at a place called
hon ey /One set of doors /Was pink and gray /Well I won der which /Set is mine said she /As she walked down
\Dash ing through the snow, /In my rust y Chevro let, /Down the road I go, /Slid ing all the way.
1996 <<< \It's a heart ache /No thing but a heart ache /Hits you when it's too late /Hits you when you're down
Hour D Aston Comments to onntwo@wans.net Vs 1 I'm gonna wait till the midnite hour That's when my love comes tumblin down
/I figure it's a bout the happ i est \sound go in' down to day.
/If they move too quick (Oh-Ah-Oh), /they' re fall ing down like a do min o.
reach for you \You seem so ne ar /yet s o far /I hope and I pray \You'll be with me /some day /I know down
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TUnder the Boardwalk @TBette Midler (The Drifters) \Oh when the sun beats down and /melts
\Why do stars fall down from the sky /Ev ery time you walk by?
/Hop ing you would come a round /I've been giv ing out chances e v ery time /And all you do is let me down
ry first time /I set my eyes on you girl /My heart says fol low through \But I know now /that I'm way down