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来源于midiworld https://onlinesequencer.net/256345
so uhh its just the base megalovania melody thats all
fallen down(reprise)完全还原(大概)
deltarune主旋律 钢琴版本——适合四手联弹 edit by musescore 顺便————ralsei最帅(?)
长笛,单簧管,电吉他清音,电吉他过载,鲁特琴,小提琴,低音鼓,小军鼓。有其他人数谱子。 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异。 游戏实录:BV1uG4y1o7eX 电子音挺多的,也不好替代
Megalomania hard mode
So, this was a midi I made like a year ago for a cover I did so I'll show this to the world because I don't want to gate...
midi版传说之下音乐-----start menu
*You only live once
kickfdlikfdxkdkfdjgkuidrdslo;,jmkifd,kj,kidsm title says it all
EdgeTale Mask v3 Original by Farahhhhhhh on bilibili Music by Jl on discord or bilibili Midis by Jl on discord or bil...
所属Au:Underswap 曲目类型:Megalo Strike Back 原作者:Kibo 扒了一点都不准的谱,如果使用请注明原作者及我的名字
the midi is weird because it does not have all the mixing and stuff And the instruments are weird https://youtu.be/...
←点个喜欢吧 谢谢啦 网易云音乐: 风中遇你7_28: -快抱我 -怎么了..? -梦要醒了 2023年7月27日