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/The fam' ly round the tree; /We had a way of mak ing Christ mas morn ing /As mer ry as can be.
MacDonald Fly Me To The Moon Sequenced by Michael D MacDonald Original arrangement Michael D MacDonald Do not alter in any way
., /Is at tempt ing to le vy a burd en some tax /On the pop u la tion in the form /Of a sub way fare in crease
Pie @T by John Lennon and Paul McCartney @T Karaoked by Jens Ackermann \She was a wor king girl /North of Eng land way
it fly by as /the pen du lum swings /Watch it count down /to the end of the day /The clock ticks life a way
I can't re mem ber why /I'm ly ing here to night \And I can't stand the pain /And I can't make it go a way
be ing in love \All the mus ic of life seems to be /Like a bell that is ring ing for me \And from the way
NYEH HEH HEH!!! Human, You have killed all my friends and Sans, for that I need to show you the error of your ways.
entered with WinKaraoke Creator @LENGL My child arrived just the other day, Came to the Came in to the world in the usual way
/I spend the day your way. \Call it morn ing driv ing thru the sound /in and out the val ley.
MAP 2 Persona 2 Eternal Punishment Elisha La' Verne - Change your way You can go where you want to go be who you want to
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPapa Don't Preach @TMadonna @TKen Vong (synergy@express.ca) \Pa pa I know you're going...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @THONESTY @...
yo, /Pick le, Ket chup /It's ok ay if /I don't want that /Im pos si ble or /Ba con Whop per /A ny Whop per my way
\I turn a way from the wall. /I stum ble and fall /but I give you it all...
know you'll soon dis co ver \You're ne ver sa tis fied with a ny o ther \Some day \Oh some day \One you gave a way
Adios Au Revoir Auf Wiedersehn
Also, I didn't use any converted data (I know of no such way to do so, anyways). All done by hand and ear.