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\All it took was just one look /To knock me off of my fe et \I'm not a man of ma ny wo rds /So I'll make
its glo ry, /Greets the day with hope and com fort too, /And you fill my life with lau gh ter, /You can make
1900s 21ma
Made using FL Studio & MidiEditor. Lyrics entered using Karakan V5.0
Mancina Arranged by Calvin Custer Copyright ゥ1997 by Blue Max Distribution - All Rights Reserved - Make
\Bud dy, you're a boy, /make a big noise play ing in the street, /gon na be a big man some day.
, /But I don't want you to hide, /It's cold and love less, /I won't let you be de nied \Soo thing, /I'll make
I’m Am Making Musical Instrument Digital Interface Files (MIDI)
things I might re gret /It breaks my heart to see you cry ing \I don't want to lose you /I could ne ver make
Music 412
September 1998 it's not a real complete version , because it needs some more corrections and mastering, I'm going to make
life /The on ly thing that's right \My first love, /your eve ry breath that I take /Your eve ry step I make
/Ba by it's the gui tar man \Who's gon na steal the show, /You know ba by it's the gui tar man \He can make
\Well, did she make you cry, /make you break down, /shat ter your il lu sions of love?
Shine, Jesus Shine SAMPLE---SAMPLE---SAMPLE---SAMPLE Words and Music by Graham Kendrick (C) Copyright 1987 Make Way Music
told me to be strong /Hold on and don't shed a tear \Through the dark ness and good times /I knew I'd make
Gloria Shane Original arrangement by Calvin Custer Sequence Copyright ゥ1998 by Blue Max Distribution All Rights Reserved - Make