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The Sword That My Brave Boy Wore (Words--anonymous) Composed by James Gowdy Clark. (19 May 1864) for General MIDI playback
Music by James Gowdy Clark. (1865) for General MIDI playback
Clark (1860) for General MIDI playback
Clark. (1856) for General MIDI playback
The People's Advent To Abraham Lincoln A New Quartette for the Times Words by Gerald Massey Music by James Gowdy Clark
Minnie Minton I'll Meet You in the Morning Song & Chorus Poetry & Music by James Gowdy Clark (13 Mar 1864) for General
I and Jenny Davis Words by Luella Clark.
Music by James Gowdy Clark. Arranged by F. M. Pease. (1861) for General MIDI playback
Music by James Clark Beckel. (9 Jan 1864) for General MIDI playback Song and Chorus
Clark. for General MIDI playback
Lewis Gaylord Clark
HANLEY GRANT CLARK Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Clark. Arranged for the Piano by Frederick H. Cluett. (1862) for General MIDI playback Patriotic Song and Chorus
Clark, II This is my own arrangement of one of the cave themes from the video game, "Breath of Fire".
-<>-<>-<>-<>- "Salt Peanuts"