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Giot Nuoc Mat Cho Doi
Giot Nuoc Mat Vo Vong
lang nghe nuoc mat
https://musescore.com/user/10349651/scores/3492981 前奏是MATのテーマ・勇壮 1、饿着肚子不能上学 2、好天气要晒衣服 3、穿马路要注意来往车辆 4、不要依靠别人的力量 5、不要光着脚在地上玩
nhac việt
Rainbow (MLP Movie) Composed by Sia Arrenged by Mat?スas Pe?スaloza start end
Best friends until the end of time Composed by Daniel Ingram Arrenged by Mat?スas Pe?スaloza S start end
know I love you /And that may be all I need to know \{F} Look at these eyes /They've ne ver see what mat
\Your love is all that e ver mat tered, /It's ev' ry thing!
Best friends until the end of time Composed by Daniel Ingram Arrenged by Matías Peñaloza S
\But, if you're think in' a bout my ba by, /it don't mat ter if you're %- %+
KARAOKE FILE @MM;30;0;0;-1;0;0;979199;0;0;0;1;100 \It starts with one thing /I don't know why /It does n't e ven mat
and cloud y \Then the rain be gins to fall /Pit ter pat ter, pit ter pat ter \Love is gone so what can mat
Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TIT'S STILL ROCK AND ROLL TO ME @TBilly Joel \What's the mat
pre tend in' /Don't ya wor ry /It's on ly lo ve \When your world has been shat tered /Ain't noth in' e lse mat
we could make of life what in dreams /It seems /But in the real world /We must say real good bye /No mat
you are get tin' for free /The wo man is wild a she- cat tamed by the purr of a ja guar /Mo ney's the mat
/You've be gun to mat ter mor
/Just let it die /With no good byes /De tails don't mat ter /We both paid the price /Tears in my eyes /You
Friendship Always Win Composed by Daniel Ingram Arrenged by Matías Peñaloza