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bout you i~ is how I wan na be /Your free dom comes na tu rally /Eve ry thing a bout you re~ e so nates hap pi
lá /Já es tá co men do /To do, to do o meu fu bá /O lha seu Ni co lau /Que o fu bá, se vai /Pe go no meu pi
\Said the Bom bar dier to the Pi lot.
PI::! : * t!V fliJ 1*
Estrada @TMúsica: Francisco Manuel da Silva @T(kar original: Jonas de Castro Deus) @T(Revisado por Grillo) \Ou vi ram do I pi
Heinrich Aph 32pi
a long if you feel /Like a room with out a roof /Be cause I'm hap py /Clap a long if you fe el /Like hap pi
原曲《g小调第七组曲》(Suite No.7 in g Minor, HWV 432)是亨德尔(Handel)作于1710-1717年间的《羽管键琴作品第一集》(Harpsichord Suites de Pièces pour le Clavecin
Alejandro Sanz /"La tortura" \(Hombre)Ay payita mía /guárdate la poesía /guárdate la alegría pa'ti /(Mujer)No pi
fus sy a bout your food /Take a choo choo to day, head New Eng land way /And we'll put you in the hap pi
TJohn Smith \My l ov e, /tell me what it's a l l a bout /You've go some thing /that I can't live with out /Hap pi
MacDonald \Fly me to the moon /and let me play /a mong the stars /Let me see what spring is like /on Ju pi
: l-IIH,1:_ L\li:PI'\: p%nf/?)(m
/But yes ter day, /Oh, what I'd give for yes ter day, /To re live one yes ter day /And its hap pi ness.
L'a ni ma mia \Po treb be es se re /Di chi spe ra /Ma nel mio cuo re /E' so lo mia \E mi fa pian ge re sos pi
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @IKaraoke File created with EasyKAR @I(c) 1996 Vincenzo Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it
/Jes ni ta, /Mung kin kah di kau, /Ga dis yang ku cari da lam ja ga ku, /Sla lu ter ba yang ter mim pi mim pi, /Hing