共找到 100 条结果
Come, Darling, Rest Your Little Head Words by Samuel N. Mitchell.
I Am Weary Let Me Rest Words by Eben Eugene Rexford, 1848-1916.
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Christmas Carol Sequenced by: Harold Doolan Remixed by: Martha Decker (Martha@deckernet.com)
Rest, Noble Chieftain Song of the Death of President Lincoln Words and Music by C.
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Mariah Carey Version Cintia A. Silva
My own take on the famous Christmas Carol, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen + Joy, Unspeakable Joy + Joy to the World
When Will Dis Cruel War Be Ober and Gib Us Darkies Rest?
Oh, Sing Me to Rest No. 3 from THREE SONGS, Opus 14 Words--anonymous. Music by Sebastian B.
主要用于在某些游戏内演奏 好吧,就是在原神里弹的 修改如下: 1.音域修改,调整至o3-o5范围内; 2.合并音轨,本midi内只有一条音轨; 3.删除黑键,使得绝大部分音符都能够在游戏内呈现。 游戏内效果如下:(这是很久以...
主要用于在游戏中演奏,共有3轨钢琴,是适用于独奏的简单版本。 如果觉得t85的曲速偏快,可以改为t80。
May the creators of the Dragon Ball anime rest in peace