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the win dow /your heart is cold and lost /the will to love /like a bro ken ar row /here I stand in the sha
The six o 'clock a larm would ne ver ring \But it rings and I rise /Wipe the sleep out of my eyes /My sha
miles a way /I'm by your side \So don't you e ver be lo ne ly /Love will make it al right \When the sha
/Sha dows on the hills /Sket ch the trees and the daf fod ils \Catch the breeze and the win ter chil ls /In
hav i ng sweet dreams /All abo ut you \You do n't lo ve me i t 's plain /I should have known /Y o u'd never sha
\And the sun slips down bed ding hea vy be hind, /the front of your dress all sha dowy lined.
********* @W \And I swe a r /by the moon and the stars in the sky /I 'll be th e re \I sw e ar /like the sha
and the Braves \There is the sun and moon /Fa cing their old, sweet tune /Watch them when dawn is due /Sha
that shrimp, they're be gin ning to boil \Wa sted a way a gain in Mar ga ri ta ville /Sear ching for my lost sha
\The sha dow on the walls tells me /The sun is go ing down \Oh, Ru b y /Don't take your love to town.
/Well my hands are sha ky /and my knees are weak, /I can't seem to stand /on my own two feet /Who do you
@Twritten by Artis Ivey, Jr (Coolio) \As I walk through the val ley of the /sha dow of death, I take a look
\When stars col lide like you and I, /No sha dow
/There's a sha dow hang ing o ver me. /Oh yes ter day came sud den ly.