共找到 333 条结果
Angels Meet Me at the Crossroads By William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907 (1875) for General MIDI playback To Robert Biggs,
无名的Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels Are Near or The Mother's Prayer Words and Music by Howard Clover. (1876) for General MIDI playback Ballad for Mezzo-Soprano
Angels Guard My Little One Words and Music by William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907 (1874) for General MIDI playback To Miss
Angels We Have Heard on High Sequenced by Eleanor Adams
Hark the Herald
吾身空余苦痛 除此别无所求 苦痛于我甚忠,始终不渝 彷徉奈落之底者,吾魂兮 坐而相随苦痛者,至忠矣 又何怨焉 呜呼,苦痛者兮,终识矣。惟余永无弃离尔 嗟夫,愚之益敬,汝甚美 “一码归一码”
If God Will Send His Angels made by Peter Hanning U2*If God Will Send His Angels - Peter Hanning To be used with WinGroove
自手扒Mili - Gone Angels 帮群内粉丝写的曲子 安洁丽卡的诗,出自十四祈祷诗的第六首,《为爱痛苦而祈祷》 为了最大契合FF14乐器音域,进行了一些变调。
Added the Guitar solo to fit the directors cut version of the song
Hardstyle Midi