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Penn of Buffalo, NY Ballad Words by James Simmonds. Music by John Rogers Thomas. (1860) for General MIDI playback
my chan ces \Went the dis tance, now I'm back on my feet /Just a man and his will to sur vive \So ma ny
@LENGL @TEBONY AND IVORY @TPaul McCartney/Stevie Wonder \E bo ny and I vo ry live to ge ther in per fect har mo ny
., Mount Vernon, NY Sung by Miss Madelane Phillips
Rexford, Esq. of Buffalo [NY].
/And bleed, /the com pa ny lost the war to day \I beg to dream and dif fer /from the hol low lies /This is
I was young it did n't stop com ing through (oh wa oh wa) \They took the cre dit for your se cond sym pho ny
life in our own way /Come on, grab a slice of cake /It's a Sweet, /Mag ic, /Fast, /Posh, /Fun, /Cu te /Po ny
\I've ne ver seen so ma ny men ask you /if you wan ted to dance.
door way of my he art /All the leaves have fa llen down /And through I try to pick them up \There's so ma ny
and hide \It's all 'bout the mon ey /It's all 'bout the dun dun du du du dum /I don't think it's fun ny
首发midi秀 旋律参考视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pt411S7NY?
The Young Folks at Home Wrtten & Composed espressly for Wood's Minstrels, Minstrel's Hall, 444 Broadway, NY Words by Frank
know the ru les, and so do I /A full com mit ment's what I'm think ing of /You would n't get this from a ny
\Too ma ny me n /Too ma ny peo ple /Mak ing too ma ny prob lems /And not much l
\Ru dolph, the red- nosed rein deer /had a ve ry shi ny nose, /and if you ev er saw it, /you would e ven say
know the rules, and so do I \A full com mit ment's what I'm think ing of /You would n't get this, from a ny
Nicholson, Corning, NY
T2010 \When the 'phone starts ring ing /I just let it ring, /I just don't feel like go ing out /or do ing a ny