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wtæA¢x sAm\@ìÈF¼CJ RÀ by ¢Ý¿áñ CVS Ver5.05 Created wtæA¢x iNHK ©ÌAÄÞ× åè
peo ple in trou ble /Re flect ions of my life /Oh how they fill my e yes \All my sor rows /Sad to mor ro w
/H o w can we make thi ngs ri ght? \O oh a n d wh y, /Wh y is the world so un kind?
767.85万 演唱 初音ミク、鏡音リン P主 ピノキオピー 链接 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm39131047 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aL411n7tQ
\H e 's g o n e two thou sand m i l e s. /Is ve ry far.
info@vietbel.org @LCHINESE @TMONICA - NOBODY /MUSIC:NOBODY /WORD :ç®æ¨è (å é) / C o p y L e f t 2 0 0 7 - P o w
W formacie G.M.-SMF 0 napisal: Maciek Sawinski.
W?. t a n8. (;OI'(J/yLJ epu-54MI). html
. \ L a d y , a r e y o u c r y i n g \ D o t h e t e a r s b e l o n g t o m e \ D i d y o u t h i n k o u r
Soul (1977) Sequence and Karaoke by: Ron Tilden \Tired of drift ing, search ing, shift ing /From town to to w
The Sailor's Tear and The Soldier's Tear Words by F.W.N. Bayley.
\I did n't kno w, /that love could be so cruel. \You tell me, mis tak es, /are part of be ing young.
\But I'm stro n g, strong enough to ca rry him. /He ain't he avy, he 's my br oth er.
Omoide ga Ippai MidStamp-1.00: 0N2H<(6@0=6HS*^M?55`.A0`` MidStamp-1.00: 0D%3GG-CT"+F1P$J!!'Q@W```
Mac sequenced by Don Carroll \Sweet dreams of you /Ev er y night I go through /I should hate you girl /The w