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/An oth er day old er and deep er in debt /Saint Pe ter don't you call me cause I can't go /I o we my soul
\It was n't me that star ted /That old cra zy A sian war \But I was proud to go and do /My pa tri o tic chore
exclusive by: tomson) \The cold has a voice /It talks to me /Still born, by choice /It airs no need /To hold \An old
lot of years and tears /For her mom ma to fi nal ly ad mit /No mat ter how ma ny stich es and pins /That old
/And a new one just be gun \And so this is X mas /I hope you have fun \The near and the dear one /The old
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRainy Days and Mondays @TThe Carpenters \Talk in' to my self and feel in' old /Some times
\The sum mer s un looked down /On our love long a go , \But in my he art I feel /The sa me old af t er glow
she cruised to the ham bur ger stand, now /Seems she for got all a bout the li bra ry \Like she told her old
\Have you seen the old man /in the closed down ma r ket, \Kick ing up the pa per /with his worn out shoes
\You're old enou gh some peo ple say /To read the signs and walk aw
\There must have been some mag ic /In that old silk hat they found.
\Thir teen- month- old ba by /Broke the look ing glass.
to geth er with /Sus pic ous minds /and we can't build our dreams /on sus pic ious minds \So where's that old
\The sum mer sun looked down /On our love long a go \But in my heart I feel /The same old aft er glow \A
\I stopped an old man along the way /hop ing to find some long for got ten words /or ancient me lo dies.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLola @TKinks \I met her in a club down in old So ho /where you drink cham pagne /and
town /A coun try boy set out to see the world /Reme mber when those ne on lig hts shine do wn /That bi g old
to me straight /Face to face /Are you real ly dis ape ar ing /An ot h er dy i ng race /Hey True Blue /You old
\The on ly ex cep tion I know is the case /when I'm out on a qui et spree, \Fight ing vain ly the old en