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Del Mar /Ven tu ra Coun ty line /San ta Cruz and Tres tle /Aus tra lia's Na ra bine /All o ver Man hat tan /And down
\In his arms she fell /as her hair come down /a mong the fields of gold. \Will you stay with me?
TDewey Bunnel - America @TLyrics Entered by GSR MIDI Sequence by GSR \Chew ing on a piece of grass /Wal king down
is in bloom, /the P R /The trans mis sions will re sume /They'll try to, /Push drugs keep us all dumbed down
\I see your teeth flash, /Ja mai can hon ey so sweet, /down where Lex ing ton cross for ty sev enth street.
side \And you can hear it in my ac cent when I talk /I'm an En glish man in New York \See me walk ing down
/Down by the ri ver side's \bound to be a bet ter ride /than what you've got planned.
@LENGL @TI Still Call Australia Home PETER ALLEN @TLyrics Entered by GSR \I've been to ci ties that ne ver close down
\From So ho down to Brigh ton, /I must have played them all.
I was free \Thought I could have my cake and eat it too /But how I cried o ver lo sin' you \See me down
\Then we'll come down, /ha ve a hang o ver. /Ha ve a hang o ver \ha
a man /And I've had so many /Men be fore \In ve ry ma ny ways /He's just one more /Should I bring him down
hi red ha nd /Work in' on the dreams he plan ned to try /The days go by /Ev ery night when the sun goes down
/day ay ay /I couldn`t /get aw ay ay /A cloud ap pears /a bove your head /A beam of light /comes shi ning down
liv ing all a lone /My friends try to tell me find a man of my own \But each time I try I just break down
@W************ Have Fun ************* \I get up, and nothing get s me down. /You got it tough.
\Here comes John ny sing ing I got a wo man /down in the tun nels trying to make it pay.