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\A fleet ing glance can say so man y love ly things, /sud den ly you know why my heart sings.
/And the baz aar man by the Nile /He got the mon ey on a bet /For the croc o diles (Oh-Ah-Oh), /They snap
Deep and crisp and e ven; /Bright ly shone the moon that night, Though the frost was cru el, /When a poor man
/If you strip a way the myth from the man, /You will see where we all soon will be. /Jes us!
leann_rimes Generated by NoteWorthy Composer @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCan't Fight The Moonlight @TLeeAnn Rimes @Tseq by MIDI MAN
you make your heart feel glad /Look in the sky, pre dict the rain /Tell when a wom an's got an oth er man
\I should have stayed on the farm, /Should have list ened to my old man.
IT AGAIN @TSteely Dan @T"KaraKan"oked by Filipe MS Bento 11+12/05/1996 \IN THE MORNING YOU GO GUN NIN G /FOR THE MAN
entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TA DAY IN THE LIFE @TThe Beatles \I read the news to day oh boy /A bout a lu cky man
TScorpions @Tkar by cafunga@gmail.com \Girl /it's been a long time that we've been apart \Much too long for a man
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TGet Back @TThe Beatles \Jo Jo was a man who /thought he was a lon er /But he knew
just fine We' ll sip io dine /In our Nucle ar Win ter Won der land /Near the melt down we can build /a snow man
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @T By Lauriane @T Mariah Carey - There's got to be a way \A bro ken man wi thout a home /Des pe
Star Sky Dol/man ft.
night- stands, /my suit case and gui tar at hand /And ev ery stop is neat ly planned /for a po et and a one- man
\I want a man with a sl ow hand. /I want a lov er with an
August 2014 \Guess it's true /I'm not good at a one night stand /But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man
\It's just an oth er man ic Mon day. /I wish it was Sun day. /'Cause that's my fun day.
hard to hide it well \I was not rea dy for the fall /Too blind to see the writ ing on the wall \A man
\Buy ing bread from a man in Brus sels /He was six foot four and full of mus cles.