共找到 803 条结果
na /Hey Ma ca re na \Ma ca re na tiene un no vio que se lla ma /Que se lla ma de a pelli do Vi to ri no \Que en
\I wore my coat, with gold en lin ing /bright col ours shin i Any Dream Will Do - CP000012 Arranged by Michael Chang
\And the dro ning en gine throbs in time /with your beat ing heart. \Way down the lane
@LENGL @TAPURO1 \Daniel's karaoke 2001 /Son by four - A pu ro dolor \Per do na si te es toy /lla man do en
train /all gra phite and glit ter /Un der sea by rail /Nine ty min utes /from New York to Pa ris /Well by sev en
/Si sólo hay un destino al que puedo llegar /Si siempre viajé solo /Y siempre vos fuiste mi faro en la
\Har mo ny and un der stand ing /Sym pa thy and trust a bound ing /No more false hoods or de ris ions \Gold en
Go Tell It On The Mountain [TC]
/karaoke estoiaburrio /www. geocities. com/ es toi abu rrio \A ho ra que ya mi vi da se en cuen tra nor mal /u u
Todos los temas ofrecidos en elmidi.com son exclusivamente y unicamente secuenciados o armados en formato .mid por musicos
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tnobody want's to be lonely @Tricky martin- christina aguilera \there you are /in a dar...
/Vix en and Blitz en and all his rein deer /are pull ing on the rein.
Il faut savoir Charles Aznavour \Il faut sa voir en core sou ri re /Quand le meil leur s'est re ti ré /Et qu'il
/the weath er is hot /You can stretch right up \and touch the sky /When the weath er's fine /You got wom en
Berlin ) \I'm dream ing of a white Christ mas /Just like the ones I used to know /Where the tree -tops g list en
\You know Dash er and Dan cer and Pran cer and Vix en, /Co met and Cu pid and Don ner and Blitz en, /but do
\Roar ing en gines, /head ed some where in flight.
best friend, I'm the one you mu s t re ly on /You were al ways sure of your self /Now I see you've brok en
po che /Dis pa rais sait dans les ma chines à sous /A près les cours on al lait boire un ver re /Quand on en
ter burns you up in side \You're spinn ing round and round /You can't get up, you try but you can't \Qui en