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\Here comes John ny sing ing I got a wo man /down in the tun nels trying to make it pay.
for migh ty dread /Had seized their trou bled mind; /"Glad ti dings of great joy I bring /To you and all man
\Fight for your own e man ci pa tion! \A rise ye slaves of eve ry na tion \in One U nion Grand! \Our
ying think be fore you go, /Through that door it could lead you no where /(This guy) /Has got you all ro man
pened up too quick and all my dreams /Were walk ing out I'd slow ly /Lost my fire /With ev ery sin gle man
road /His brain is squirmin' like a toad \Take a long hol i day /Let your chil dren play \If ya give this man
@IGenerated with Karakan version 6.3 @LENGL @Tsong title @Tartist @Tcopyright \When it's love you give /I'll be a man
\If a man could be two pla ces at
y /And God I know I am one /My mother was a tai lor /She sewed my new blue jeans /My father was a gamblin man
: tomson) \The cold has a voice /It talks to me /Still born, by choice /It airs no need /To hold \An old man
Yellow By Clodplay Generated by NoteWorthy Composer @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYellow @TColdplay @Tseq by MIDI MAN
hard to hide it well \I was not rea dy for the fall /Too blind to see the writ ing on the wall \A man
gain in Mar ga ri ta ville /Sear ching for my lost sha ker of salt \Some peo ple claim that there's a wo man
\Hark, now hear the an gels sing, /a new king born to day, and /man will live for ev er more, /be cause of
LENGL @TReturn to Sender @TElvis Presley \Re turn to sen der, Ret urn to sen der \I gave a let ter to the post man
looks in the mir ror, /and stares at the wrin kles /that were'nt there yes ter day; \And thinks of the young man
sud den ly sud den ly \I am small and the world is big /All a round me is fast mov ing /Sur round ed by so man
\If I was a sculp tor, but then a gain no, /or a man who makes po tions in a trav el in' show.
trol /Cause the pow er you're sup ply in', /(it's elect ri fy) in' \(You bet ter shape up, /cause I need a man