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made this midi sound all right for plain GM synth drivers but for an ultra-realistic play back, use the 4 mb sf in SB Live
(1835-1921) By Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921) Generated originally by NoteWorthy Composer Optimized for SoundBlaster Live
time has stood still /Since we've been a p art \I Can't Stop Lov ing You /So I've made up my mind /To live
Stand by Me by Many Artists Arranged and recorded "live" by Bob Mace (pendrago@shadetree.com).
@Tsong title @Tartist @Tcopyright \When it's love you give /I'll be a man of /Good faith /Then in love you live
\Hark, now hear the an gels sing, /a new king born to day, and /man will live for ev er more, /be cause of
drive e lec tri cal cars /You're so in die rock it's al most an art /You need S P F 4 5 just to stay a live
\I don't have much mon ey but, boy if I did, /I'd buy a big house where we both could live.
break it \When Jo sie comes home so good /She's the pride of the neigh bor hood \She's the raw flame, the live
/But, don't you know that no one \a live can al ways be an ang el.
Crystal Gayle-I'll get over you HomePage: http://members.xoom.com/jeridu/ GM/GS file, Optimised for 8MB soundfont (SB-LIVE
say /Thank you for the mu sic, the songs I'm sin ging /Thanks for all the joy they're brin ging \Who can live
Veikko Hoffmeister @Ie-mail: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @TSTUMBLIN' IN @TSuzi Quatro & Chris Norman (1979) \Our love is a live
Some times I feel /like I don't have a part ner /Some times I feel /like my o n ly friend /is the ci ty I live
ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TI Write The Songs @TBarry Manilow @TLyrics Entered by GSR \I've Been A live
\Take these bro ken wings, /and learn to fly a gain /learn to live so free.
n't it be nice /If we were ol der /Then we would n't /Have to wait so long \And would n't it be nice /To live
\So may be it's tr u e /That I can't live with out yo u. /And may be t w o is bet ter than on e.