共找到 79 条结果
/girls like cars and mon ey /Boys will laugh at girls /when they're not fun ny \Pa per /Or plas tic /Don't mat
to burn ou t /I didn't come here to hurt you /now I can't stop \I want you to know /That it does n't mat
my dress is too tight /You got no rea sons to be jeal ous /I've nev er been un true /So does it real ly mat
plans for you /We could stay at home /Or dance and hang all ni ght /As long as I'm with you /Does n't mat
know I love you /And that may be all I need to know \{F} /Look at these eyes /They've ne ver see what mat
\No mat ter how I try, /I find my way to the same old jam. \Good times, b %- %+
thy \Be cause I'm ea sy come, ea sy go /Lit tle high lit tle low \A ny way the wind blows /does n't real ly mat
/Sa yun ya al un an su a ra /C e mas di da da le mah tak ber ma ya /Ter bu ka hi jab di de pan ma ta /Se la mat
Tribute to Roxette band.
\But, if you're think in' a bout my ba by, /it don't mat ter if you're %- %+
wave from the pa ra de /It took a whole lot of years and tears /For her mom ma to fi nal ly ad mit /No mat
do an y thing just to make it right /Say you'll un der stand, oh I know you can /C' mon Mar i anne \No mat
LENGL @TSELF CONTROL @TLaura Branigan \Oh the night is my world /Ci ty light pain ted girl \In the day no thing mat
/If you want me to I will \For if I ev er saw you /I did n't catch your name /But it nev er real ly mat
\What does it mat ter to ya, %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
/It does n't mat ter what for. \When you build y %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TRuby Tuesday @TThe Rolling Stones \She would nev er say /where she came from /Yes ter day don't mat
BEGINNIN @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TONLY THE BEGINNING @TChicago \When I'm with y o u, /It does n't mat ter where
GSR \I've been to ci ties that ne ver close down /From New York to Ri o and old Lon don town, /But no mat