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\Here I stand head in hand /Turn my face to the wall \If she's gone I can't go on /Fee ling two foot small
/The loser's standing small. /Beside the victory, it's a destiny.
to be found /A mong those afraid /Of los ing their ground \Mean grey town known for its sound /In pla ces small
o ther play for to day \Oh but I'm proud of you /But I'm proud of you /No thing left to make me feel small
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIt's A Real World After All ( Parody- It's A Small World ) @Tby Duck Logic, circa 1985 A.D.
just need to know that I can breath /And I don't need much of an y thing /But sud den ly sud den ly \I am small
you're not here to see me /in this shape i'm in \Spen ding my time wat ching the days go by /fee ling so small
of rain that falls /in Sa ha ra De sert says it all /It's a mi ra cle \All God's cre a tions great and small