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@TCRY ME A RIVER \Now, you say that you love me, /af ter be ing so un true.
way down low /And you can tell your friend /with you he'll have to go /Whis per to me /tell me do you love
I've seen your pic ture /Your name in lights a bove it \This is your big de but /It's like a dream come true
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLIGHT MY FIRE @TThe Doors \You know that it would be un true, /You know that I would
I'm send ing you a big bou quet of ros es /One for ev e ry time you broke my heart /And as the door of love
Ron Tilden @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIt's Over @TRoy Orbison @TKaraoke by Ginny @T15/02/2000 \Your ba by does n't love