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\A bove us on ly sky /I ma gine all the peo ple /Liv ing for to day \I ma gine there's no count ries /It is n't
单簧管,小号,长号,小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,低音鼓,小军鼓 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异(第九音轨往后为试听专用鼓) 原谱:BV1984y1w7wm(感谢up主分享) 游戏实录:BV1Ps4y1n7qC 音量有问题,所以我不知道实际游戏音量会如何
Talking to the moon fàng bùxià de liyóu /shì bùshì huì danxin biànchéng yi zhi yeshòu /walking on the roof wéi
W. Locke. Arranged by F.N. Crouch. (1854) for General MIDI playback Ballad
Words by William W. Skaats.
Words by Arthur W. French. Music by Henry Tucker. (1876) for General MIDI playback Dedicated to Mrs.
in love with you /What ev er you want to do /Is all right with m e /'Cause you make me feel s o br and n
gon na be a round / If you think that you won't fall Well just wait un til, 'till the sun goes d o w
go ing on /in that beau ti ful mind /I'm on your mag i cal /mys ter y ri de /And I'm so diz zy /don't kno w
Miller \Here I lie /in a lost and lone ly part of town /Held in time /a world of tears I slow ly drown /Goi n'
it's cra z y /that the peo ple wait /for some one who's strong /E ven though they could /do it on their o w
your soul down word for word /See who's your friend /Wh o is k i nd /It 's al most like a di s e ase \I kno w
put your books out /on the side walk /Now they池e blow ing round /But they won稚 help you /when you池e d o w
@W************ Have Fun ************* \I get up, and nothing get s me down. /You got it tough.
pa ~ ~ in \Wish 'in you were here by me /To end this mis er y \And I won der I wa~ wa~ wa~ wa~ wa wo n
©úÉüÁÄW{tFjbNX '94