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把Modern Days和Graze the roof混在了一起,不过挺好听的,曲速120
Ludovico Einaudi - I Giorni "The Days" (Piano cover / Tutorial) For all my Einaudi fans out there; here's one of the mo...
the ceil i ng /Or else I'll tear up this town \To night I got ta cut \Loose, foot loose /Kick off your Sun day
lo ne \And all that I can do, /is pray and pray /Ten days I've seen the rain Co min' down \on a sunny day
ス PlantsVsZombies (Day) start end start end start end start end start end start end start end start end start end
True freedom for all men Fighting hard for the future The promise of a better day For tomorrow we drink from the cup
Happy Days
can /You see I begged stole and I bor rowed /Ye~ ah Ooh \ \That's why I'm ea~ sy /I'm ea sy like Sun day
At the end of the day your brain is just a meat computer in a bone cockpit piloting a skin robot!
@LENGL @TI JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU @TStevie Wonder \No New Year's Day to ce leb rate.
Singing forever young Singing songs underneath that sun Let's rejoice in the beautiful game And together at the end of the day
I love this song so much that I stayed on the computer from the morning untill midnight and finished it in one day.
Yes took me nearly 30 days
Nao biet nao hay - Qui sait France music
by Uwe Trempelmann \All the leaves are brown /And the sky is grey \I've been for a walk /On a win ter's day
School Days
\And with the new day's mor ning /she felt it drift a way.