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were wish ing they were me that night \And now our bod ies are oh so close and tight /It nev er felt so good
smil ing, keep shin ing, /Know ing you can al ways count on me /For sure /That's what friends are for \For good
Take the long way home \Cos you're the joke of the neigh bor hood /Why should you care if you're fee ling good
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCabaret @TLiza Minelli \What good is sitt ing /a lone in your room /Come hear the
and the dear one /The old and the young \A ve ry Mer ry X mas /And a hap py New Year \Let's hope it's a good
/Just the two of us and no bod y /else in sight /There's no bod y else and I'm feel ing /good just hold ing
for a mil lion years /Then if it don't work out \Then if it don't work out /Then you can tell me good
\Make a bad one good. /Make a woman right \Power of love will keep you /home at night.
/Good bye grey skies /Hel lo blue. /There's noth ing can hold me /When I hold you.
\Throw down the jam 'til the girls say when /Lay down the law and break it \When Jo sie comes home so good
\Se ven years of bad luck, /The good things in your past.
won der of a fai ry tale /You can take the fu ture e ven if you fail \I be lieve in an gels /Some thing good
\I'm just a soul whose in tent ions are good, /Oh Lord, please don't let me be /mis und er stood.
bags are packed, I'm rea dy to go, /I'm stand ing here out side the door /I hate to wake you up to say good
heart a way \She said I've had it com in to me /But I wan ted it that way \I think that an y love is good
bab y u know it \Cream /Get on top /Cream \U will cop /Cream /Don't u stop \Cream /Sh -boog ie bop \U're so good
her streets /'cause she's my com pa nion /I walk through her hills /'cause she knows who I am /She,sees my good
FILE @V0100 @IChris and Einstein <GUS> @I<<<Finland 96>>> @I"deep forest sounding" @LENGL @TJAMBALAJA @Tcountry by Chris \Good
Madonna @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \When you see her, say a prayer and kiss your heart good