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/'Cause I know I just can't stay here in hea ven. \Time can bring y
verse /Gone quick l y /For the call of thun der /Threat ens ev ery o- o- o- n- n- n- e- e- e \And I fe el /Like I just
seem like so meone else \I don't know how to take this /I don't see why he moves me /He's a man \He's just
\All in all it's just a no ther brick in the wall.
@TYou Make Me Feel Like Dancing @TLeo Sayer \You've got a cute way of talk ing /You've got the bett er of me /Just
\I stop just across from your door... /But you're never home any more...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLove At First Sight @TKylie Minogue @tKar By Woof \Thought that I was go ing cra zy /Just
\Lit tle things I should' ve said and done, /I just ne ver took the ti me \You were al ways on my mind /
in mem or ies /Of such an old lone some time \I can't stop want ing you /It's use less to say /So I'll just
smile /I think that I can show you /That what we have is still worth while /Don't you know that love's just
by day /No thing could change you /Set and sure of the way \Char ming and bright /Laugh ing and gay /I'm just
love song /like the way it's meant to be /well, I guess I'm not that good a ny more /but ba by, that's just
with joy, \To see re flec ted there /The trees, the sky, the li ly fair, /The scene of death is ly ing just
look so sad / I know it's o ver / But life goes on / And this old world will / keep on turn ing / Let's just
the road /With a hea vy load /From the seeds he sowed /And if you see your sist er /fall ing by the way /Just
gain /And I know that it's not clear \Put your hands, put your hands /In side my face and see that it's just
I want is you, /How I need you, \So please, /Be My La dy, /May be you \could lose the pain /If you just
/I won't let you, /In a gain, /The mes sa ges, /I've tried to send, /My in for ma tions, /Just not go ing in.
lor /I went out on the sea for ad ven ture \Ex pan ding the view /Of the cap tain and crew /Like a man just