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Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Some walk by night /Some fly by day /No thing could change you /Set and sure of the way
my, at Wa ter loo Na po le on did sur ren der /Oh yeah, and I have met my des ti ny /In quite a simi lar way
\And so with Gods and men /The sheep re main in side their pen, /Though ma ny times they've seen the way
Koning \There's a ship lies rigged and rea dy in the har bor /To mor row for old Eng land she sails /Far a way
\And I got such a long way to go. /To make it to the bor der of Mex i co.
blow in', rain starts to fall, /Train is a ~toot in' its long, lone some call, \Wheels are click in' their way
@LENGL @TFAITHFULLY @TJourney \High way run in to the mid night sun /Wheels go round and round /You're on my
When you say "I'll be true" \Do you mean ev er y word /That my ears have heard /I'd like to know /Which way
\Like a love ly me lo dy that eve ry one can sing, /Take a way the words that rhyme /It doe sn't mean a
head, they keep fall in' /So I just did me some talk in' to the sun /And I said I did n't like /the way
\Su per sti tion ain't the way. \Ve ry su per sti tious /Wash your face and
\The room was hum ming hard er /as the cei ling flew a way.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TOnly The Lonely @TRoy Orbison \On ly the lone ly, know the way I feel to night.
\I'll find my way thro
heart in San Fran cis co /High on a hill, it cal ls to me \To be where lit tle ca ble cars /Cli mb half way
chairs are all worn /I left them here /I could have sworn \These are my sa lad days /Slow ly be ing ea ten a way
tots with their eyes all a glow /Will find it hard to sleep to night /They know that Sant a's on his way
Strum ming my six- string /On my front porch swing /Smell that shrimp, they're be gin ning to boil \Wa sted a way
cab a ret \Come taste the wine /Come hear the band /Come blow your horn \Start cel e brat ing /Right this way