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unix.infoserve.net) \Chil dren be have, /That's what they say when we're to ge ther, /And watch how you play, \They don't
/Let tuce, Ma yo, /Pick le, Ket chup /It's ok ay if /I don't want that /Im pos si ble or /Ba con Whop per /A ny
clear /Go ahead and sell me out /And I'll lay your ship bare /See how I leave with /Eve ry piece of you /Don't
know that I love you, boy /Hot like Me xi co, re joice /At this point I got ta choose /No thing to loose \Don't
FILE @LENGL @TShe's out Of My Life @T98 Degrees @TKar by Woof \She's out of my life /She's out of my life /And I don't
day's the day /I pray that we make it through \Make it through the fa l l /Make it through it a ll \And I don't
\Chris tine six teen, Chris tine /Chris tine six teen, Chris tine \(SPOKEN) /"I don't usu al ly say thing
your name and num ber there on the wall \Jen ny I got your num ber /I need to make you mi ne /Jen ny don't
/Baby but I fig ured you out /And you're think ing we'll be fine a gain /But not this time a round \You don't
\You and me are the same /We don't know or care who's to blame /But we know that who e ver holds the reins
the planes \They're com ing to A mer i ca /Ne ver look ing back a gain \They're com ing to A mer i ca /Home, don't
/Oh, love you more than I can say \Don't you know I need you so?
XIV Midi by Mielle, Don't Repost Dang It
/Uh huh hmmm \Now Adam told to Eve, "List en here to me, /don't you let me catch you mess in' /round that
pla ting a crime \She comes out of the sun in a silk dress run ning /Like a wa ter col or in the rain \Don't
/And they got a good thing go in' \when the words don't get in the way. \And when
down the street /And I start to cry each time we meet /Walk on by, walk on by \Make be lieve /that you don't
/And al ways take me there \The place I love /Peop le a round eve ry corn er /Seem to smile and say \We don't
waited til e le ven /Just to fi gure out /that no one would call /I think I've got a lot of friends /But I don't