共找到 866 条结果
\Just take those old re cords off the shelf /I sit and lis ten to them by my self \To day's mu sic ain't
\How low tips her toe, /she broke the nee dle and she can't sew.
\But, if you're think in' a bout my ba by, /it don't mat ter if you're %- %+
\When you be lieve in things /That you don't un der stand, /Then you suf fer.
What, you don't know what that is???!??
to step in to the light /Some peo ple need to help some bo dy /When the edge of sur ren der's in sight /Don't
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TJESUS HE KNOWS ME @TGenesis \Do you see the face on the T V screen, /com ing at you
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TThe Winner Takes It All @TAbba \ I don't wanna talk, /about things we've
LIL BOO THANG (PAUL RUSSELL) KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 \Let me tell you \Girl /You my lil' boo thang /So, I don't
@LENGL @TSTRAIGHT UP @TPaula Abdul \Lost in a dream /Don't know which way to turn \If you are all that you
\Lord, we don't need a noth er mount ain, /There are mount ains and /hill sides e nough to climb \There are oce
@T @TThank you Pink for beeing so kind to me when we met !!! @TYou rock girl !!
/I can't lose /I'm in love with yo u /If you love me to o.. /Ye ~ ~ ~ah...
@KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @LENGL @TFOR THE GOOD TIMES / Don't look so sad / I know it's o ver / But life goes on / And
Palleschi @LENGL @Tuntitled \K a r a o k e s i n c r o n i z a d o p o r D a n i e l R e i n a /C a m i l o S e s t
\Good bye, Jim my, good bye, /Good bye, Jim my, good bye, \I'll see you a gain but I don't know when, /Good bye
Mister \Ba by, I don't un der stand, /why we can't just hold on to each o ther's hands?
@V0100 @I 06-11-93, 17:00, V.T.
\Don't know that I will, /But un til I can find me /The girl who'll stay /And won't play games be hind me