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\Pret ty, pret ty please, /don't you e ver, e ver feel /Like you're less than /fuc kin' p
o ver co mes me /I'm liv ing a lie \When I'm a lone /I feel so much be tter /And when I'm aro und you /I don't
Build a for tress and shield your be liefs /Touch the di vide as we fall in line \Can I be lieve /When I don't
\Don't let the wrong word slip
you're the God of a shrink ing u ni verse \Pur pose less sur vi val /Now there's noth ing left to die for /So don't
/You don't have to be a fraid of what you are.
/don't make me tell you a gain /my love love love love. /Love love love love.
\Ev 'ry bod y wants a flame /They don't wan na get burnt /And to day is our turn \Days like these..
\But don't tell my heart, /My ach y break y heart, /I jus
lis ten to them by my self \To day's mu sic ain't got the same soul /I like that old time rock and roll \Don't
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THey Tonight @TCreedence Clearwater Revival \Hey, to night, /Gonn a be to night, \Don't
\O h, Lo rd, through the re vo l u tion /Feed the ba bies, /who don't have e nough to eat. \Shoe the
/Could it be you just don't try \or is it the clothes you wear.
ny peo ple cried \But it's too late, to say you're sor ry /How would I know, why should I care \Please don't
Mister \Ba by, I don't un der stand, /why we can't just hold on to each o ther's hands?
you \Tra ge dy /When the feel ing's gone /and you can't go on /Tra ge dy /When the morn ing cries /and you don't
/Uh huh hmmm \Now Adam told to Eve, "List en here to me, /don't you let me catch you mess in' /round that
bot tle, ma ma /It's grape fruit wine \Kick off your high heeled snea kers /It's par ty time \The girls don't