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would give an y thing I own, /give up my life, my heart, my home; /I would give ev 'ry thing I own /just
\I've been run ning hot, /you got me just a bout to blow my top \You can start me up, you can start me
\But I tried and tried to for get you girl /but it's just so hard to do /eve ry time you do that th
ti gers play too rough /I don't wa nna be your li on /'Cause li ons ain't the kind you /Love e nough \I just
/It's just the ra di o. \Don't you re memb er you told me /you loved me ba by?
they call your name /A mil lion times and still you nev er came /They go on lov ing you just
\Walk in' the dog, /just 'a walk in' the do g.
no bo dy near my heart a gain /dar ling /I said I'd ne ver let no bo dy in \But if you asked me to /I just
fears /There's so much that we share /That it's time we're a ware /It's a small world aft er all \There is just
\This fe ver for you /was just burn ing me u p in si de. \I drove all n i g ht to g et to you.
side I wish you would n't \make me leave here /I poured it on and I poured it out /I tried to show you just
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TC'mon Marianne @TFour Seasons \Whoa- ho here I am on my knees a gain /I'll do an y thing just
Since she put me down I've /been out do in' in my head, /Come in late at night and /in the morn in' I just
\I'm just a soul whose in tent ions are good, /Oh Lord, please don't let me be /mis und er stood.
\Don't need to be lieve in here after, /just be lieve in me. \Cos Je sus H
round /Cause you're gon na see my heart break ing /Don't turn a round, I don't want you see ing me cry \Just
\Na Na Na Na Na Na Na /Na Na Na Na Na Na /Na Na Na Na Na Na Na /Na Na Na Na Na Na \I guess I just
mused /But I feel I'm be ing used /Oh Mag gie, I could n't have /tried any more /You led me away from home /Just
\B-, b-, b-, ba by, you just ain't /seen na-, na-, noth in yet.
Not just an y bo d y /Help!