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另外,本曲在各大演唱会上基本成为定番演唱曲目之一: Animelo Summer Live 2009 ミクFES'09(夏) ミクの日感谢祭 39's Giving Day Project DIVA presents 初音ミクライブパーティー
Giot Le Dai Trang
\There was a day when I just had /to tell my point of view. /I was like you.
as a past time /eas y as pie: \Each time you \Cry, bab y, cry /cry, bab y, cry /just the way I did /the day
2007 School Days ED 歌 栗林みな実 作詞 江幡育子 作曲 飯塚昌明 編曲 飯塚昌明
2005 School Days ED 歌 栗林みな実 作詞 江幡育子 作曲 飯塚昌明 編曲 飯塚昌明
ly walk ing down the hall /fast er than a can non ball /where were you while we were get ting high \some day
/Wait ing each day /for a line or two /may be a let ter /but not from you.
2014 \If you wan na do right by your ap pe tite /If you're fus sy a bout your food /Take a choo choo to day
/It's the light of day that shows me how. /And when the night falls, lone li ness calls. \Oh!
Giot Le Dai Trang (cn)
Mot Dai Kho Mot Toi
\It's why I'm ea sy /I'm ea sy like sun day mor ning /I'm ea sy /I'm ea sy like sun day mor ning (eh ehh eh
Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TMONEY, MONEY, MONEY @TABBA \I work all night, I work all day
/To day, a new cri sis has a ris en. /The Met ro pol i tan Trans it Auth or i ty, /Bet ter known as the M.
乐器使用竖琴,钢琴也可。改编自久石让吉卜力工作室动漫曲(也就是宫崎骏动画啦) 共六首 曲目表: 1.龙猫 —《风之甬道》 2.天空之城 —《innocent》 3.幽灵公主 — 《Legend of Ashitaka Theme》...
Selection of April Fools' Day》收录了CLOCKWORK RABBIT版。另外,在2020年官方的《点兔》管弦乐线上演出中,本曲作为活动第一弹的曲目发布。
ing /Oh and it's time to lend a hand to life - /The grea test gift of all \We can't go on pre ten ding day
\Five pas sen gers set sail that day, /for a three ho ur tour, /A three ho ur tour.