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Blue Island 多夢(TAM) 多夢(TAM) TAM Music Factory http://www.tam-music.com/ この曲は素材としてご活用いただけますが、 著作権は放棄しておりません。
It is an arrangement of Elysium, in the Blue Sky for solo piano.
其多列其多列 上山坡去拣竹叶 带上长刀砍竹筒 其多列其多列 其多列其多列 大路旁的小树叶 随风吹动随风摇 其多列其多列 其多列其多列 彩色书包背身上 高高兴兴上学去 其多列其多列
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE tm @KAll rights reserved, TUNE 1000 CORP. @V0100 @I 05-19-93, 10:30, D.B. @KCopyright WARNER CHAPPE...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TTake Me Home Country Roads @TJohn Denver \All most heav en, West Virg in ia /Blue Ridge
Rhapsody In Blue /music_category: Piano_Roll /title: Rhapsody In Blue /subtitle: /roll_type: Duo-Art /roll_manufacturer
blues 1
All Blues
Sequenced for General MIDI by GaryW0001 (@AOL.com) Music Composed and Arranged by John Williams This file is Copyright ゥ1997 - Blue
" Sequenced for General MIDI by GaryW0001 (@AOL.com) Composed by Mark Mancina Arranged by Calvin Custer Copyright ゥ1997 Blue
GaryW0001(@AOL.com) Music Composed by Elmer Bernstein Original Arrangement by Jack Bullock Sequence Copyright ゥ1998 by Blue
GaryW0001@AOL.com Original Arrangement by Jay Bocook Featuring Music by Lalo Schifrin & Danny Elfman Sequence Copyright ゥ1997 Blue
Armed Forces Salute "Armed Forces Salute" Sequenced for GMIDI by GaryW0001 (@AOL.com) Arranged by Bob Lowden ゥ1996 Blue
List" Sequenced for General MIDI by GaryW0001@AOL.com Composed & Arranged by John Williams Sequence Copyright ゥ1998 by Blue
me to know /what you tried so not to show /Some thin' in my soul just cries /I feel the want in your blue
for General MIDI by GaryW0001@AOL.com Composed by Alan Silvestri Arranged by Paul Lavender Sequence Copyright ゥ1998 by Blue
Serenade "Moonlight Serenade" Sequenced for GMIDI by GaryW0001 (@AOL.com) Music by Glenn Miller Arranged by Jeff Hest ゥ1996 Blue
glisten ing /A beaut i ful sight, we're hap py to night /Walk ing in a Wint er Won der land \Gone a way is the blue