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《Ain't Done Nothing if You Ain't Been Called a Red》由美国左翼音乐家艾略特∙坎南(Elliott Keenan)所作,菲斯∙佩特里奇(Faith Petric)演唱,通过世界产业工人联盟(Industrial
/The shame /The ones who died with out a name \Hear the dogs howl ing out of key /To a hymn called "Faith
少女が見た日本の原風景 The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw from 東方風神録 〜 Mountain of Faith composed by ZUN sequenced by クロス http:/
/This is no road for stum bling feet /To fol low through the dust and heat, /But on ly those whose faith
This MIDI is a lot more accurate and faithful to the original song compared to the old one that's been circulating for m...
ship could be /Un til you all shared its mag ic with me /Big ad ven ture /Tons of fun /A beau ti ful heart /Faith
now on, our troub les will be miles a way \Here we are as in old en days /hap py gold en days of yore \Faith
allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste been around for a long long time stole many a man's soul and faith
/ Just to be a dor ed / And what you need / Is what you get / Don't be lieve in fear / Don't be lieve in faith
how, some way \You think that I can ne ver laugh a gain /You'll see \You think that you've de stroyed my faith
get down on my knees /And if there's any wa y that you could love me any how /If you ev er had much faith
you're lone ly /And need a friend \And troub les seem like /They ne ver end \Just re mem ber to keep the faith
\When it's love you give /I'll be a man of good faith \then in love you live /I'll make a stand.
nev er take more than you give \In the circ le of life /It's the wheel of fort une /It's the leap of faith
with Karakan version 6.3 @LENGL @Tsong title @Tartist @Tcopyright \When it's love you give /I'll be a man of /Good faith
RIVER OF DREAMS @TBilly Joel \In the mid dle of the night /I go walk ing in my sleep \From the moun tains of faith
a mu sic man /ain't al ways what it's sup posed to be \Oh girl, you stand by me /I'm for e ver yours, faith
must bring sal va tion back /Where there is love, I'll be there \I'll reach out my hand to you /I'll have faith