共找到 190 条结果
闪之轨迹II插曲,渣技术扒谱 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel II(Sen no Kiseki II)
空之轨迹3rd插曲,钢琴扒谱 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes VI: Trails of the Sky (Sora no Kiseki 3rd)
一拳超人 OP THE HERO!!~怒れる拳に火をつけろ~
拳皇96 英雄队出场BGM
闪之轨迹III插曲,钢琴改编,累死左手系列 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel III (Sen no Kiseki
Undertale Battle Against A True Hero
Vamos Don Ramon!, Demuéstrele al Gimnasio de Héroes que puede Utilizar el Midi Sabiamente
My Hero Academia OST - You Say Run
Excelent ost of Sonic heroes
闪之轨迹III插曲,渣技术扒谱,累死左手系列 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel III (Sen no Kiseki
1900s 16thotew
Grant-- A Nation's Hero Words and Music by William T. Rogers (1868) for General MIDI playback Respectfully Dedicated t...
A Hero Has Fallen Words by Sergt. J. A. Wilson. Music by Lieut. J. R. King. (circa 1865) for General MIDI playback
闪之轨迹插曲,钢琴改编,音域跨度大,需两人三手演奏 A simple transcription Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel(Sen no Kiseki)
Heroes of The Children Battle Good News EarthlandartX, LovestrongArtFan90, To Be Reviewed, DJStorm12, DanielHudson560
闪之轨迹4标题曲扒谱,技术渣 Source: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel IV(Sen no Kiseki IV), The End of Saga Title BGM
Crown the Pale Hero Words and Music by J. B. Salisbury. (15 Mar 1865) for General MIDI playback from "The Union Collecti...