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and I love her (c) Wild West Productions 2002 "And I Love Her" by the Beatles All rights reserved http://musichotel.cjb.net
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THe'll Have to Go @TJim Reeves \Put your sweet lips a lit tle /clos er to the phone
Have fun!
Of course, this time I made a MIDI for people who have a SW1000XG and a MU100 or later!
I have more midi files made for me glad to share
@TEverything_I_Own @TBread \You shel tered me from harm, /kept me warm, kept me warm.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @IThis file has been created with MID2KAR @IKaraoke files converter and editor @I(c) 1995 Vincenzo
i have no idea
I have nothing to say……
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
@TKar - Bunty Pritchard Jones \I had to es cape, /the ci ty was stin king and cru el.
Connor 1952 \I saw Mom my kiss ing San ta Claus /Un der neath the mist le toe last night.
ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TI'll Follow The Sun @TBy The Beatles \One day you'll find /That I
a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything What have I become My sweetest friend
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I 05-27-94, 11:14, R.L.
hey guys this is my own work do not steal it i have copyrighted so i can sue
本人用WIDI3.0做的,不好请见谅 歌词: PPAP I have a pen. I have apple. Oh. Apple Pen. I have a pen. Ihave Pineapple. Oh.
@LENGL @TI Think We're a-lone Now @Tby Tiffany @TBrought to you by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \Chil dren be have
All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth sequenced by: Don Carroll <donniec@ix.netcom.com> @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL