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Kúmen vet nokh úndzer óysgebenkte sho, 漫长征途正等待在我们前方, svet a poyk ton úndzer trot: mir záynen do! 脚步声震动:我们仍然在此!
Performed by: The Kingston Trio (1959) Sequence and Karaoke by: Ron Tilden \Spo ken: /These are the times that try men's
preach the bi ble like a prea cher /Full of ec sta cy and fire \But he al so was the kind of tea cher /Wo men
咨询 ※ 莫古力大区 龙巢 森都 4-11 驻店琴师 奶糖不甜 每晚22点 店内蹲 欢迎来玩 -------------------------------------------------------- 歌词来源百度: Wise men
Smith. (1864) Dedicated to MOSBY and his men A Patriotic Song for General MIDI playback
& Composed by William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907 (1861) for General MIDI playback Respectfully Dedicated to the UNION MEN
\I've ne ver seen so ma ny men ask you /if you wan ted to dance.
Martin Towne, 1835-1912. (1877) for General MIDI playback "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TGod Rest Ye Merry Gentleman @TTraditional. publ.1853 \God rest ye mer ry, gent le men;
/Life was a bit ter cup /for the sad dest of all men.
mu /Kare na ha ti ku sla lu kau lu ka i /Tak ada la gi yang bi sa ku la ku kan tan pa mu /Ku hanya bi sa men
/Let's fill the air with Ea gles, /Let's fill the clouds with men, /And we will see a world that's free,
KARAOKE FILE @L2:29 @TJagalah Bumi (OST BoBoiBoy) @TKotak @TRRME & MIDICUY \Ka wan a ku su dah da tang /A yo ki ta men
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCan't Help Falling In Love @TElvis Presley \Wise men say on ly fools rush in /but I
@TRmx: Musica Latina Brasil @T(c) 2001 - ix@nitmail.com.br /Um ti co- ti co só /Um ti co- ti co lá /Já es tá co men
TAPURO1 \Daniel's karaoke 2001 /Son by four - A pu ro dolor \Per do na si te es toy /lla man do en es te mo men
Canta Brasil - http://www.geocities.com/lucialeite) @LPORT \O lhe den tro de mim /Vo cê po de se ver /A to do mo men
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip, the music's for the sad men. Can you imagine if this race is won ?