共找到 150 条结果
A 3000 - kar by Mike M (November 2000) \Your love for me came as a wa ter fa ll /Flow ing in side me like nev
ñas co sas que ol vi dé /Al ver tu a mor a ma ne cer \Y tan tas ve ces yo tam bién /I gual que un ni ño me en fa
can't i ma gine /Loo king in some one el se's eyes /What we have sur pas ses /E ven pa ra dise /It's hard to fa
\Ha ven't see your fa ce be fore /Are you new in town \It's the same old line /Oh, e ve ry time \Are you
@TSAVING ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU @TWhitney Houston \A few stol en mo ments is all that we share /You've got your fa
your list /of things to do /To bring your good luck /back to y o u /And if you think that /ev ery thing痴 un fa
thun der rolls \Eve ry light is bur nin /in a house across town \She's pa cin by the te le phone /in her fa
down on me /Pres sing down on you no man ask for \Un der pres sure that burns a buil ding down, /splits a fa
\One thing can le ad to an oth er /It does n't take an y sac ri fice /O h, Fa ther and Mo th er /Sis ter and
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LFRAN @TSauver l'amour @TDaniel Balavoine \Par tir ef fa cer sur le Gange /la dou leur /pou voir
ding day by day /That some one, some where /will soon make a change \We are all part of God's great big fa
Trop vite ou bli és ef fa cés . Une lu mière do rée bril l
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TTap @Tby ti \Tap pe ti ni nuo vi, /ar bre ma gique /deo do rante ap pe na \pre so che fa
\The co lors of the rain bow so pret ty in the sky /are al so on the fa ces of peo ple go ing by.
Dolan - kar by Mike M (1/3/00) \We walked to the sea /Just my fa ther and me /And the dogs played a round on
Kembali @TRabbani @TRRME & MIDICUY \Se ti ap in san pas ti me ra sa /Sa at per pi sa han te rak hir /Du ni a yang fa
pe tta re non po sso /so li si muo re /sen za un´ a mo re /Oh, /è l´ul ti ma no tte /che pre go il si gno re /fa
could say I lost my sense of direc tion /you could say all of this and worse but \If I e ver lose my fa