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/Just let it die /With no good byes /De tails don't mat ter /We both paid the price /Tears in my eyes /You
\ 'cause he'll al ways take you i n / Just when @E-mail: mdr@lgs.it night ma close to / i \'cause t good
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCabaret @TLiza Minelli \What good is sitt ing /a lone in your room /Come hear the
TMusic skunk anansie \Some times all the mo ments /that we sa voured for the last /get crushed /bet ween the good
won der of a fai ry tale /You can take the fu ture e ven if you fail \I be lieve in an gels /Some thing good
ver a fter \Walk ing through an e mpty ho use /Tears in my eyes \Here is where the sto ry ends /This is good
/It must have been good, /but I lost it some how. \It must have been love, but it's o ver now.
cle to come /Ev ery one told me to be strong /Hold on and don't shed a tear \Through the dark ness and good
EMI International rights secured @LENGL @TALWAYS ON MY MIND @TPet Shop Boys \May be I did n't treat you /quite as good
TThe Beatles \I on ce had a girl, /or should I say /she on ce had me \She show ed me her room, /Isn't it good
Yes this time it's the REAL one! It's a good tune and fits the game quite perfectly I'd say... What can I say?
\I'm just a soul whose in tent ions are good, /Oh Lord, please don't let me be /mis und er stood.
\You'll have bad times /and he'll have good times, /do 'in things that you don't un der stand.
\You'll have bad times /and he'll have good times, /do in' things that you don't un der stand.
/Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley /edited by dhing Benitez \May be I did n't treat you /quite as good as I should
\You feel good. /I said it's fun ny that you un der stood. \I knew you would.
her streets /'cause she's my com pa nion /I walk through her hills /'cause she knows who I am /She,sees my good
Take the long way home \Cos you're the joke of the neigh bor hood /Why should you care if you're fee ling good
away and leave you all a lone /I got a bad de sire \Ohhh hhh hhh, I'm on fire /Tell me now baby is he good