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c r y i n g \ D o t h e t e a r s b e l o n g t o m e \ D i d y o u t h i n k o u r t i m e t o g e t h e r \ W
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home \A way from home /A way from home /A way from home /A way from home /Lord I'm five hund red /Miles a w
Percussion: 1.Snare Drum (Strokes and Rolls) 2.Bass Drum (Hits) 3.Crash Cymbals (Scrape, Crunch, Crash) 4.Hi Hat (Open w/
EMI International rights secured @LENGL @T纏 綿 @T熊 美 玲 作曲 林 秋 離 作詞 @T劉 德 華 主唱 林 宜 良 MIDI 編曲 @W
small pla ces un bou n d \Now the squares of mov ing storms /Some laugh in /Some just shape less forms \Side w
what we have done /All that we de stroyed /You must build a ga in \When the chil dr en cry /Let them kn ow w
Fran cis co /A bo ve the blue and win dy sea \When I come home to you, San Fran cis co /Your gold en sun w
/When w
Redner @TKar'ed by : ElCid \O lit tle town of Beth le hem /how still w e see thee lie.
\Roar ing en gines, /head ed some w
/Ye ah, wo w, ye ah... \Re lax, don't do it. /When you want to go to it.
> @T<Miley Cyrus> @T<KAR by Estrada> \For those who dont know me, I can get a bit cra zy /Have to get my w
moun tain of stone, a door of steel /Can't stand in my way, I'd go on /Bru tal ma chines, un bend ing la w
su r ed /Now I find I've changed my mind /I've op ened up the door \Help me if you can I'm feel ing do w
KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TGirl @TThe Beatles @TKaraoke par Claude Deschenes @w
out a ny sh a me /Gotten down on my knees just t o kin dle this f la me \But to night I am down to the w