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Wrighton (1856) for General MIDI playback Arranged as a Quartett for Soprano Alto Tenor & Bass by George Frederick Root
GaryW0001@AOL.com Please be sure to visit my Official MIDI Homepage @ http://garyw0001.simplenet.com/index.html Jazz Kit Jazz Bass
1ch=Melo :(68,0,2)Oboe 2ch=Bass :(45,0,2)PizzicatoStr. 3ch=St1. :(45,0,2)PizzicatoStr.
GaryW0001@AOL.com Please be sure to visit my Official MIDI Homepage @ http://garyw0001.simplenet.com/index.html Brush Kit Jazz Bass
AOL.com Please be sure to visit my Official MIDI Homepage @ http://garyw0001.simplenet.com/index.html Jazz Kit Guitar Jazz Bass
Fing.Bs Warm Pad Melody Voice Oh Bass & L Rev.Cymb Dist.Gt Dist.Gt Drums Overd.Gt Gt.FretN Steel Gt Vocalist (c)
NoteWorthy 1.0 Voice Lead Piano Lead Piano-001 Piano-002 Strings Percussion-Snare Percussion-Bongo Percussion-Cymbal Percussion-Bass
melody bass piano solo strings drums tempo DATA Yesterday (C) 1992 MASTER SEQUENCE
Melody Bass Accord. Harp Acc.
1ch=Sys : 1ch=melo :(9,0,2)Glockenspiel / (15,0,2)Santur 2ch=Bass :(48,0,2)Strings 3ch
WinJammer Demo MuteGuit Brass Shaku PipeOrgn Bass Drums
Melodie Choir Brass Effecte FL儺E Strings Bass DRUMS
WHATIMEA WHATIMEA Bass & L Warm Pad Melody 1 Melody 2 Syn Vox Organ 2 Nylon Gt Syn Vox Drums Steel Gt Nylon Gt Vocalist
Reverve time Chorus Macro Chorus rate Chorus depth Voice Reserve Set control change parameter for Drum Set 2 TR-808 : 808 Bass
Je T'aime bassdrum snare hihat cl hihat op tambouri bass1 bass2 lead guitar organ organ2 strings
Daisy Bass. 26-8-99.