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/The hopes and fears of all the /years are met in thee to night.
/Help to make the sea son bright /Ti ny tots with their eyes all a glow /Will find it hard to sleep to night
/Hang your stock ings and say your pray'rs, /'Cause Sant a Claus comes to night.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe Raven @TAlan Parsons Project \The clock struck mid night /And through my sleep ing
Bells on bob tail ring mak ing /spir its bright /Oh what fun it is to ride and sing /A sleigh ing song to night
\While shep herds watch their /flocks by night, /them see a bright new shin ing star, /them hear a choir sing
/Late at night a big old \house gets lone ly; /I guess eve ry form of /ref uge has its price.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TKind of a Hush @THerman's Hermits \There's a kind of hush all ov er /the world to night
Just be cause we're in our teens \Tell them all it is n't fair /To take a way my on ly dream /I cry each night
/Make a woman right \Power of love will keep you /home at night. \Don't need mon ey /don't take fame.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLa Isla Bonita @TMadonna @TKen Vong (synergy@express.ca) \Last night I dreamt of San
/At night I could hear the blood in my veins.
to night.. /I'm let ting go~ ... /Mm ~mm ~mm ~mm ~mm...
Creator 1.1 @LENGL @T"Somebody's Cryin" @TChris Isaak \I know some bod y and they cry for you /They lie a wake at night
\Ren dez vous in the night. /A willing wo man to hold me tight.
\Dream ba by got me dream in' sweet dreams /night time too. \I love you and I'm dream in %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
Some mem o ries never end /Some tea rs will never dry /My love for you will never die \Re nd ezvous in the night
/Pain and hurt will steal her heart to night, /Like a queen in all her glo r y.
LENGL @THelp Me Rhonda @TBeach Boys \Since she put me down I've /been out do in' in my head, /Come in late at night
up with you \I wan na lay by your side /I wan na feel ev e ry beat of your heart /And through out the night